LuMin Together.

LuMin out there enjoying God’s world

We are always discussing new ways to have fun, and we love to spend time outside appreciating God’s beautiful creation. We’d love to hear from you about what we can do together. Perhaps a hike up East Rock or an Online Game Night? Stay tuned for more!

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LuMin provides Space, Support, and Snacks

Life can’t always be perfect, but we can make the hard times fun! With plenty of snacks, friends, and PUPPIES(!) we make studying a bit brighter. Each semester we partner with Bethesda Lutheran Church to offer a structured and safe study space for anyone needing to crank out that paper that may (or may not) be due in 12 hours. Don’t worry, we won’t judge.

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Welcome First-Years

We are so excited to welcome new students to Yale. Normally for those who registered their faith tradition as Lutheran prior to arriving, we make sure to welcome them at their suite with plenty of LuMin swag. If you don’t catch us at move-in, find us at the extracurricular bazaar!